Sunday, December 07, 2008

Lots happening, but nothing really newsworthy

I think one of the challenges of being a third year blogger is trying to keep your blog fresh and relevant: the danger is repeating yourself over and over again.

The past few days, for instance I've not blogged because:

I worked at job #2 on Thursday and Friday. I made some nice food to take to work for lunch (but you've already seen the
fresh tomato soup and the couscous salad) I baked a loaf of bread. I tended the plants in my garden. I watched a video, knitted lounge socks, read magazines and a book or two. I cleaned the house, did some TSS work, and wrapped and packed some Christmas presents.

Last night I walked out of The Red Shoes and went home at intermission because I wasn't enjoying it (I blame Manon!). Today I went to Trash and Treasure (wearing my Mickey Mouse T shirt), then cooked brunch for a friend and popped into CMAG to visit my houses on the way to DJs to use my free $50 voucher to buy kitchen containers (which were 35% off so I got $75 worth of Click Clacks for nothing!).

OK, I do have news. Meet Lovely Linda:my "new" dressmaker's dummy bought off an ex-candidate and client at this morning's Trash and Treasure for the equivalent of four week's groceries* (ie: $70). I had no idea they made dressmaker's dummies in grey and can't wait til I find time to have a play with her.

(*Having just received a care parcel from another friend who is going gluten free I can happily survive on less than $20 a week covering milk, eggs, fruit and veges for the next little while)

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was just that I was tired Wed night when I also left the ballet at intermission. Was longing for the plot we had when we saw the film.
