This evening after work I headed for Woden in search of wool felt and vacuum cleaner bags. Both very worthy and justifiable quests, I thought.
Addicted to Fabric didn't have the felt I was after but did have a a scrap bag of my favorite Free Spirit Prints Charming fabric, which I snapped up.
At the mall, on the way back to the car with my vacuum cleaner bags tucked safely under my arm, I popped into Riot Art and Crafts and picked up matchboxes (which I've wanted for ages and have new plans for after last week's Photoaccess opening of the exhibition Canberra in a matchbox) and acrylic felt (for more mini rug making). Next door I accidentally bought a giant peg and a new (and very fitting) tea towel for the collection.
Then I remembered that I needed to find more black rubber gloves (as IKEA seem to have discontinued their black Plastis gloves) and wandered into Homebase to see if they could help. I left bearing 5 pairs of cream ones (close enough to keep me happy) plus 5 glue stick pens.
And then, finally, I headed home.
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