On my first day I went to visit The Doll House in its new location in Mont Albert.
It's a short stroll from the station and a just down the road from two op shops: the perfect location, in my book!
Kerrie, the owner, tells me that she's only been in the new location for a month
but it looks pretty settled.
I spent an enjoyable hour or so perusing the shelves of stock
before making my choices:
You can see that Switchboard Cafe had already inspired me to buy a shopfront
plus some glasses.
And I picked up a few things for Margell Public School as well.
During my trip I made a few more mini purchases, from non-traditional sources.
I picked up this silicon clockfor $7.50 from the half-price bin at the Canberra airport newsagents:
and a couple of storage units and a neck towel to make towels for Margell from Daiso ($2.80 each).
Keeping to the Japanese theme, I found this perspex display case at Muji ($39.95), which will be great for shows.

While visiting Melbourne Style on the hunt for a tea towel to add to my collection, I picked up some alphabet magnets ($10), gift cards ($7.50 a pack) and a greeting card ($6) to decorate future scenes.
And, finally, at Melbourne airport bought a cheap bracelet with penguin charms on it ($19.95) to mark my visit to the penguins at St Kilda: two charms will be used for stitch markers and the other is to go in a scene.
Was wondering how you are.... Now I know ;) no time for boredom eh? Wonderful stash you've picked up. Darling wee penguin!
I am so glad you found your granny square afghan.
Granny square afghan is out of scale but will do until I hunt down a better option... :-)
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