Sunday, March 27, 2016

Not at all what I'd planned (day two)

I've not made any progress on yesterday's build. In fact, things have gone backwards (I thought I was being burgled last night: until I realised the sounds I was hearing was the Blu Tack falling off the walls, and the shelves with it:)
Modern dolls' house scene of a kitchen with the shelves above the bench fallen off the walls with stings of Blu Tack remaining.
And since today's priorities were elsewhere, things have stayed the same. And I realise that this is how I end up with half-build scenes that never get blogged...

On a positive note, last night I finally finished three commissioned pieces from last year's sPIN exhibition at ANCA: just in time to give them to the recipient for her birthday:
Three miniature cedar crates containing letters of the alphabet and items that match. From left to right: 'B' and five miniature books, 'C' and a bottle of champagne with two glasses, and 'G' with a watering can and trowel. A finger is shown for scale.
And this morning I dealt with the 171 photos I took for The tiny Times at this year's ACT Miniature Enthusiasts show. I treated myself afterwards with a trip to the National Gallery of Australia to (finally) see their Black exhibition.
Entrance to an exhibition with the name of it ('Black') on the lefthand wall, with explanation text below. On the right a man in a red shirt is looking at an all-black art work.
Interior view of an exhibition of black art, with several black work on display to the left, and a black Issey Miyake dress on display on a  mannequin on the right.
Which was well worth it: highlights for me were works by Jospef Albers, Josepeh Cornell, Colin McCahon and various other New Zealand artists.

And then I came home and finally tried creating some kitchen storage containers from the Tic Tac boxes I bought last June.
And pondered the fact that unlike most magazine people, I seem to be existing about a year behind, not six months ahead :-/

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Not at all what I'd planned!

Today's plan miniature-wise was to finally make a scene that's been banging around in my head for far to long, using a magnet that I bought in October 2014 showing Cuba Mall in Wellington; the wire day bed I bought at Daiso almost a year later; some fabric I've had cut out ready to sew into cushions for far too long, and the afghan rug that minicrochetmad sent me last June.
Flat lay of a modern dolls' house miniature wire day bed with a brightly coloured afghan rug draped over it, a brightly coloured painting and several square pieces of brightly striped materian on the floor
Well that was the plan.

The reality is that the day bed demanded to head in a whole different direction (my miniature furniture does that sometimes...) And suddenly I had this mock up:
Modern dolls house miniature bedsit scene with a day bed, wing chair, circular fluffy rug and side cupboard in soft shades of white, grey and rose.
Which, you'll agree, is nothing like my original concept.

The scene got bigger and bigger and I finally ended up with this:
Modern dolls house miniature kitchen in colours of white, grey, black and pink. In the foreground is a vase of roses and an easter afternoon tea laid out.
(Plus a lot more. I plan to share the full journey with you tomorrow.)

Friday, March 25, 2016

A touch of decodence

I seem to be on a bit of a masculine-themed miniature jag at the moment, with the gentleman's study on Sunday, the night club on Tuesday and now this:
Art deco style modern miniature room with a Barcelona day bed in the foreground and a silver sideboard in the background, next to a potted palm.
(I wonder if this is the home of the owner of Lorraine's? Perhaps it's Stephen, who I thought was an antique dealer, but I could be wrong (or perhaps he's a man of many interests...))

The scene started with the first thing I bought at last weekend's Canberra show: a black and white Art Deco picture (for the pricely sum of $1). While cleaning up my work table this morning (I know!) I decided the picture would work perfectly with the metal tin I picked up in the Blue Mountains in October. And the black, gold and silver fabric that's been banging around in stash for so long that I've completely forgotten where it came from.

Which lead me to pull out the Barcelona day bed Elvira sent me back in 2014. And I was off. Added a potted palm (of course!) A walking cane, hat and parcels (thanks to Mad for Mod for the top one) for the day bed.
Art deco style modern miniature silver sideboard with a selection of white, black and gold-coloured items displayed on it.
And, finally, a selection of suitably luxe items for the top of the sideboard: including a couple of vases from my experimenting back in October, a magnifying glass courtesy of Kitty & Kat Miniatures, a quill pen from Michelle's Miniatures, a glass bird from the Canberra Show ($3 for three plus a larger one) and a silver car charm from the Cockington Green Gardens gift shop.
Art deco style modern miniature silver sideboard with a black and white picture hung above it and a selection of white and gold items displayed on it.
And that statue in a display case? I'm most proud of that.

The display case is a coffee table from the Lundby Småland Red Living Room Set (60.2081) which I opened for a scene in December last year. And the statue was originally a bright shiny plastic game piece from a Monopoly set I picked up in an op shop. A quick blast with copper and black spray paint and it's almost unrecognisable.
Art deco style modern miniature silver sideboard with a display case containing a horse and rider statue, and a glass bird and silver car ornament displayed in front of it.
I'm well pleased and have the urge to spend the rest of the day watching Poirot episodes...

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A light for Lorraine's

The first thing I bought at last weekend's ACTME show was from Wendy Benson's 'bits and bobs' box. I have no idea what it was originally (possibly some sort of bottle lid?) but it screamed '1970s nightclub chandelier' to me (and started this song playing in my head).

And for 50 cents, I really couldn't go wrong, could I?

After I got home from work tonight I took a deep breath, remembered what Lorraine from Fairy Meadow Miniatures taught me when she visited, and set my drill to work. And ended up with this:
Close up of a modern dolls' house miniature 1970s-style chandelier.
which I built a scene around, deciding to call it 'Lorraine's Night Club' in her honour.
Modern dolls' house miniature circular booth, table and modern chandelier above.
It makes me want to return to my 1980s clubbing days...

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I may have found my mini mojo at the Canberra show

COllection of dolls' house miniature purchases piled on a desk.
The 2016 ACT Miniature Enthusiasts Show was on yesterday and, as usual, I had a stall there (and was taking photos for the May issue of The tiny Times).

Once again, my main shopping was done on Wendy Benson's stall. I picked up everything in this picture for $26:
COllection of dolls' house miniature purchases arranged on a desk.
These matchboxes full of vintage wood blocks were $2 each (I've had some of these pieces before but never knew where they were from).
Seven sets of miniature vintage wooden blocks packaged in matchboxes, with one matchbox (with 'build with me' printed on the lid) open to show tiny blocks and an instruction sheet.
And the MIP Pyrex dolls' house ovenware set still had it's original price tag from David Jones on the back of it.
Back of a plastic bag with a David Jones price sticker on it showing a price of 75 cents.
I did buy one more thing, blowing my budget just a little:
Dolls' house miniature wooden dolls' house mounted on a desk.
Dolls' house miniature wooden dolls' house mounted on a desk, with the front open to show the shelves inside.
I was inspired by a discussion on the World of Dollshouse Miniatures Facebook group recently about a photo of a full-sized room that included a cocktail cabinet in the shape of a dolls' house.

Here's my interpretation of the room:
Modern dolls' house miniature scene with a wooden dolls' house mounted on a desk next to a white slipper chair, an arc lamp and with a cloche on the floor underneath it.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

A miniature at the museum

Yesterday afternoon I visited my old friend Canberra Museum and Gallery to attend their panel discussion: 2013-2113 – the next great 100 Canberra Houses. I made sure to arrive early as I'd heard rumour that they had a dolls' house on display.

And what a beauty it was!
1930s vintage dolls' house bungalow on display in a museum gallery.
 The signage says that it was made by Pennock Miller in the 1930s.
1930s vintage dolls' house bungalow on display in a museum gallery, showing the front and side.
Based on the small amount of googling I've done, it seems that he lived in Ainslie and possibly made a miniature reproduction of the family home.
1930s vintage dolls' house bungalow on display in a museum gallery, showing the side.
I was so very tempted to lift the side flap for a peek inside, but instead just took a couple of photos through the doors and windows using my flash and then contacted the gallery to if they would show me the inside...

This is the view through the front door,
Inside view of a 1930s vintage dolls' house bungalow through the front door.
the front window,
Inside view of a 1930s vintage dolls' house bungalow showing a red brick corner fireplace and dark wooden beading.
and the back door.

Inside view of a 1930s vintage dolls' house bungalow through the back door, showing the kitchen.
 In a nearby display case is a display of some of the furniture from the house, also made by Pennock Miller:

A typical 1930s lounge suite and table
Vintage dolls' house 1930s three-piece lounge suite and coffee table, in a display cabinet in a museum gallery.
 and a wardrobe and single bed with bedding.
Vintage dolls' house 1930s wardrobe and single bed with bedding, in a display cabinet in a museum gallery.
I'll let you know if I can manage to get access to the inside, and share any more information I find out about the house...