Friday, March 25, 2016

A touch of decodence

I seem to be on a bit of a masculine-themed miniature jag at the moment, with the gentleman's study on Sunday, the night club on Tuesday and now this:
Art deco style modern miniature room with a Barcelona day bed in the foreground and a silver sideboard in the background, next to a potted palm.
(I wonder if this is the home of the owner of Lorraine's? Perhaps it's Stephen, who I thought was an antique dealer, but I could be wrong (or perhaps he's a man of many interests...))

The scene started with the first thing I bought at last weekend's Canberra show: a black and white Art Deco picture (for the pricely sum of $1). While cleaning up my work table this morning (I know!) I decided the picture would work perfectly with the metal tin I picked up in the Blue Mountains in October. And the black, gold and silver fabric that's been banging around in stash for so long that I've completely forgotten where it came from.

Which lead me to pull out the Barcelona day bed Elvira sent me back in 2014. And I was off. Added a potted palm (of course!) A walking cane, hat and parcels (thanks to Mad for Mod for the top one) for the day bed.
Art deco style modern miniature silver sideboard with a selection of white, black and gold-coloured items displayed on it.
And, finally, a selection of suitably luxe items for the top of the sideboard: including a couple of vases from my experimenting back in October, a magnifying glass courtesy of Kitty & Kat Miniatures, a quill pen from Michelle's Miniatures, a glass bird from the Canberra Show ($3 for three plus a larger one) and a silver car charm from the Cockington Green Gardens gift shop.
Art deco style modern miniature silver sideboard with a black and white picture hung above it and a selection of white and gold items displayed on it.
And that statue in a display case? I'm most proud of that.

The display case is a coffee table from the Lundby Småland Red Living Room Set (60.2081) which I opened for a scene in December last year. And the statue was originally a bright shiny plastic game piece from a Monopoly set I picked up in an op shop. A quick blast with copper and black spray paint and it's almost unrecognisable.
Art deco style modern miniature silver sideboard with a display case containing a horse and rider statue, and a glass bird and silver car ornament displayed in front of it.
I'm well pleased and have the urge to spend the rest of the day watching Poirot episodes...


m1k1 said...

m.poirot - an excellent idea rest the little grey cells.

Rebecca said...

Very decodent indeed! I love all the little pieces on the sideboard. I believe the flooring fabric is some I gave you when I visited you a few years ago - nice to see it in this lovely scene. I had pictured it in something more homely, like a kitchen - but it matches this scene of decodence very well!

Mad For Mod said...

The tin makes a perfect piece for this scene. The fabric carpet is pretty great too. I like the play on the "decodence"...clever!