Spotty shirt: $3.50 (Vinnies Queanbeyan: the collar sits a bit strangely so it'll be unpicked and finishing it as a chinese collar)Daisy shoes WITH COLOUR! (Also Vinnies Queanbeyan: $4.00)
Where the wild things are book (Salvos Mitchell: $1.00)Arty box with oil paints and watercolour paints and acrylic paints and brushes and matte varnish (Vinnies Dickson: $20)I'm happy!
I left a comment on your previous post, and then realised my dashboard was out of date. Love the shoes - and they've even got two tones of red! Miss the comments on the op shops, compared with the post from 2 years ago ;-)
I left a comment on your previous post, and then realised my dashboard was out of date. Love the shoes - and they've even got two tones of red!
Miss the comments on the op shops, compared with the post from 2 years ago ;-)
Oh the Daisy shoes - gorgeous!!!
And the art box - what a score.
Soooooo jealous about the shoes.
Fantastic finds!! Kippax op shop doesn't have anything like these gems. Good for buttons though.
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