Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Treasures from Typo

Back at work today after the summer break, and fortunate to have the use of a friend's basement car park (our current parking arrangements have my usual car park a good 10 minute walk away).

Which meant only one thing: a long lunch break, spent somewhere that I usually couldn't get to,

I chose the Typo factory outlet store, something I discovered late last year on a rare trip to DFO. Typo is one of my favorite stationery haunts and cheap Typo is a dream come true.

Today's haul: two sets of fridge magnets and two sets of laser cut plywood pieces. At $2 a set:
Enough inspiration for many scenes to come.

It wasn't until I got back to work that my poor wee brain started working properly and suggested I should have bought an extra set of the ones that they had a lot of. For a giveaway.

So, assuming that when I get back to Typo in the next day or so they still have extras, I'll give the first three sets away.

If you're interested, leave a comment telling me which set you'd like:
  • The French set
  • The love set
  • The cloud set
  • (Sorry, they only had one of the black and white set)
I'll draw the winners on Sunday night (Australian time). And will post anywhere in the world.

EDITED TO ADD: This giveaway is now closed: I bought enough sets to give all entrants the set(s) they wanted, so you're all winners! (If I don't have your postal address, please email it to me)


Mad For Mod said...

Great finds! Please count me in. I love the love set, the french set is great too!

Mini Dork said...

Sign me up for The French Set s'il vous plaît! Cool find. Looks like a great place to shop. Happy New Year! :D

SAANA said...

Wow, nice finds :) I really like the love set <3

Neen said...

The French set is inspiring, please put my name in for that one. Thanks!

studioseven said...

Awesome finds but that's why you're The Shopping Sherpa. I'll put my bid in for The Love Set. ; )

modernist molly said...

I,d love Love. Sooooo nice to have you posting regularly again.

AMCSviatko said...

Modernist Molly: can you email me your details? You don't have an return email on your profile for me to contact you :-(

Neomig said...

Hello- The french set is certainly me!

Hunky Dory said...

Well aren't you sweet. I'd love the French set.

AMCSviatko said...

Hey Doris: Can you email me your address, too?

Effie said...

What a cute giveaway! My favourite is the LOVE set :)

AMCSviatko said...

Hi Effie: Can I have your address as well?