Sunday, June 27, 2010

The sum of it...

I was easing into the closest thing I have to a weekend these days. Work was 9:15 - 5:06 today (with an early start for a wander round Jamison Trash and Treasure on the way)

Tomorrow I have a morning free before starting work at 12:45 pm.

And Tuesday? Tuesday was completely and totally empty.

What luxury. Do I do housework tomorrow morning and spend Tuesday (finally) publishing the May issue of the Dolls Houses Past and Present ezine/ op shopping/ visiting exhibitions I've been meaning to see/ mowing the lawns/ working on The Call of the Small To Do list?

Then I got home. And checked my email.

Work? On Tuesday? At the library with the 42 second commute? As Officer in Charge?

Well that saves the $860 new clutch Miss Daisy has just received from hitting my badly depleted emergency fund too badly.

And I still, at this stage, have Tuesday 6 July off to try and catch up with my life (such as it is these days...)

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