In fact, it's better than good, but I do have to ask myself, why, when I'm scheduling two* major new and very exciting projects for this year and one* for next year (on top, of course, of creating an Inchie a day, working full time in a job where my brain gets stuffed with more new information each day and, apparently, running a website) does the universe decide now is the perfect time to land the opportunity of all opportunities on my head?
Which has basically cleared my (non work) schedule for the next week. At least.
Oh that's right. Because I like it.
Excuse me, I'm just off to bang my head against a wall, breathe deeply, pull out a new notebook to start some major scheduling and planning. I may be a little absent round here for the next week. I'm sure you'll understand...
Isn't it amazing how a new notebook can put the world to rights? You'll be pleased to know it's one of those Kikki K ones we were given at the Powerhouse modernism talk we went to which I was saving for a special occassion...
you can do it because you are superwoman AND you have a new notebook.
Isn't it amazing how a new notebook can put the world to rights? You'll be pleased to know it's one of those Kikki K ones we were given at the Powerhouse modernism talk we went to which I was saving for a special occassion...
an excellent choice.
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