3. A photo I took of a creature made by our receptionist out of spare electrical wiring and bits she found left around the place by the builders. Unfortunately I had my "new" camera with me which doesn't cope with macro as well as old faithful so they all came out too blurry to publish. Sorry, Sparky Rattler. Hopefully we can do better upon my return to work...
4. Joy at spotting the Thai Garden sign out on my way home after a late phone conference. Which meant my favorite Thai restaurant in the whole city was finally back in business after being closed by storm damage late last year:

Yay for socks!
And have a fabulous time in Wellywood!
Whee!! The fish dish! The fish dish! :D
Oh how I've been wushing for the return of the fush dush...
Those little socks look so cute and of course the bigger ones on another post do too. (Thanks for the comments you left on my blog, btw.) And that Thai restaurant looks good - we just had a tiny Thai/Sushi restaurant open near us and we're looking forward to trying it.
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