Alas, it would seem it was ever so slightly stalled. As is my Daisy Hoodie.
So I opened my big mouth and heard the words "We could always make it a challenge you know, a row each a day in the hope we'll do more than just one row but even one measly row while standing in the kitchen waiting for the pasta water to boil has to add up eventually..." come out.
And she seemed to think it was a good idea.
Therefore I pledge to work a row a day on my damned Daisy Hoodie until it is done. Unfortunately I'll be unpicking a row a day at first as I continue to battle with the left front.
If you've got a stalled knitting project you'd like to kick in the rear end, feel free to join in!
I love that photo.
What a great idea! If you are going to frog parts of it though, do it all at once. Like a bandaid. Ouch.
Can't wait to see your daisy jumper all finished. It is looking pretty great in progress!
Oh all right, I'll do the SIL's bloody awful yarn scarf as my penancy project.
I'll get the @#!*%$^ socks out and give them another go!
Odds on that my tension on the resumed jumper will be different from That Which Came Before.
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