I'm pretty happy with what I managed to achieve from my list though. Black and White Swap done and dusted (with the largest number of participants yet), 6 art books read (OK, make that 6 art books started and 4 finished), the overlocker got a work out (and there was the start of a shop update!), I made it to see Juno, Dr Plonk and I'm not there (as well as an unplanned viewing of Jumper) and although I haven't yet finished the daisy hoodie I've worked out the solution to the problem that's been holding me up for months.
So onwards and upwards, here's my list for May:
Reading theme:
Modernism (finally)

Atonement, Elizabeth: the Golden Age, a double feature of Control and 24 Hour Party People (both of which I've seen but it's such a brilliant double feature idea I have to go see them again), and The Jane Austen Book Club. If I manage all of them my cost per view will be down to $4.62. Excellent.
Exciting things I'm doing this month:
* Hosting a visit by the curator and exhibition installer at CMAG to discuss some finer points about my exhibition.
* Going on a day trip to Sydney for the Sydney Miniature Show.
* Being part of a team running a stall at the Old Bus Depot Markets' Celebration of Wool day.
* Taking my first ever self-driven road trip by car* to Melbourne for my birthday, Eurovision and (hopefully) some major frugalling adventures along the way.
I think I need a lie down now!
(*Note the qualification self-driven road trip by car. I've done a road trip by scooter. I've been a passenger on a couple of road trips but this'll be the first time it's just me, Miss Daisy, and a list of op shops between here and Melbourne)
1 comment :
and there are so many good op shops on the way down to Melbs too!
(oh W00t the May market!)
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