But I figured Eurovision night would be the perfect time to gather my friends and feed them as much of my free Perfect Italiano cheese as I could. There was a last minute menu change as I was informed one of my guests couldn't eat hard cheeses so the pizza cheese and the parmesan stayed in the fridge (and, as it turned out, that guest stayed at home...)
My Marimekko placemats, bought in Finland for my birthday back in 2003, were the only choice of table setting for a Eurovision dinner.

And later in the evening I served Perfect Italiano's Black and White Brownies (how could I chose anything else, after spying a recipe with a name like that?) They were sinfully rich but my photos were crap so I've lifted the picture from their website to demonstrate their creamy chocolately deliciousness:

The black and white brownies looked really jummy! Agree - great name:)
Watched the show with my family.
My husband wondered when it was aired in Australia?
The only Eurovision party at our place was thrown in the new Lundby Stockholm house.
We had the first semi final Friday 15th May at 7:30pm, the second Saturday 16th at 7:30pm and the final was Sunday 17th (also at 7:30pm)
For the first time in many years I actually watched all of Eurovision, and thoroughly enjoyed it - especially as the UK managed a perfectly credible 5th place.
I was a bit worried that without Terry Wogan it would be rather dull but Graham Norton did very well - slightly tentative to start with but really into it by the end with some crackingly funny comments. Yup, he's certainly a worthy successor to Terry.
There was a shot of the SBS commentators at one stage during the show wearing T shirts saying something along the lines of "Yes, we miss Terry Wogan too" I didn't write down what exactly it said as I was too busy leaping up and down telling everyone in the room I wanted one.
Wasn't Britain's entry rather an obvious hint? And what on earth has ALW done to his hair?! (I still prefer Schooch...)
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