So I finally have my standing height table: not as cute as the Udden console I was lusting after but cheaper and, more importantly, bigger.
And I picked up a set of Vika Alex drawers which I've also been lusting after since I first saw them in the IKEA catalogue (still haven't managed to justify this purchase, alas!). Once it dawned on me that they were designed to hold A2 paper I was sold. A set of drawers that I can keep my art work in? So I can stop the endless hunt for a set of affordable vintage plan drawers? Sold! (Especially since they tuck beautifully under the table, leaving space on top for my work box, rolls of paper and a set of drawers for little arty things)
The final purchase onto the IKEA trolley was a fold up bar stool on the off chance I wanted to actually sit at my new creative space. For $39, I wasn't going to argue with myself.
When I put everything into place today I realised I still had room to swing one of my filing cabinets round to fit between the desk and the wall. My office feels so big I feel I could have a party in it! Perhaps I should combine a Eurovision party with an office swarming party?
(Want more info? Picture with notes here)
Doesn't shiny red count as a justification for someone who has to expand her colour horizons for her course? At all?
Suz and I spent the afternoon today with eleventythousand other people at IKEA, because she didn't have a table and chairs and now she does.
But I didn't buy any Alex. Yet.
Actually I want the white one. Or maybe the silver one. Or maybe the tall version...
I was astounded at the crowds when I visited IKEA on Sunday afternoon. Now I understand why Princess B always used to make us arrive at 8:55am and leave as soon as possible afterwards. Even on the weekend before Christmas we could be through and out of the parking lot by 9:20am!
Ooooh very flash :)
Lucky you! Wish we had ikea here too - but alas i can't afford new furniture anyhow :-/
Many Canberrans seemed to be there on Sunday! Ahh, the lure of Eurovision - really what May is all about - can't wait for the Zemiro take on the festivities!
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