2. Overheard in class tonight: "Yeah, but no one's going to hire you because you shoved some clay between your tits and painted it silver" I love this on so many levels. I can't even begin to explain...
3. When you decide not to get changed out of your oldest baggiest and daggiest clothing to go to class (I was working from home all day. It was cold, I'd banned myself from most of my wardrobe because I want to take it away, clean. And I was in a "I'd rather be in my PJs" mood) you'll be told there's an opening downstairs and you should go as part of your class work. And you'll stand there, clutching your plastic glass of NZ Sav Blanc (they had rather a good selection of wine for an opening) feeling rather underdressed and remembering the time you visited your sister at work, who actually was wearing her PJs (not that anyone else would know)
4. Noticing that, for the second class running, the tutor checks up on everyone else on your table/ in the room except you. But this time remembering an editorial from the latest issue of Urbis which referenced (of all things) The Babysitters' Club and realising that maybe the reason you're feeling ignored is because the Tutor is confident you know what you're doing. And having your suspicions confirmed by the tutor later in the evening. Nice, but not very helpful in terms of learning anything.

7. Trying to actually believe you're due to fly out on another architecture related quest in less than 36 hours. And trying to imagine the reality that is 149 steps from town up to the Youth Hostel (which isn't hard if you grew up in Wellington and had to navigate the Dixon Street steps each lunchtime down from Vic Uni and (more importantly) back up). I'd add a link but there doesn't seem to be one. So here's a random image I found online. Where I used to work is up there at the top of the picture. And I mean the very very top...

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