I'm feeling much better now...
I was a bit grumpy when The Canberra Times article came out as I'd specifically requested that, if they took a photo of the dolls houses in the Room of Shame, they didn't include the boxes that I hadn't got around to shifting out of the room for their visit. I'd even mentioned that they were welcome to lift any photos they wanted from my blog (this one, perhaps?)
Until this afternoon, that is. I was draped over my bed reading the latest (fabulous) issue of Home New Zealand and spotted this photo:
Laughing uproariously, I imagined the owners of this 2007 Home of the Year: "Sure you can take photos of our garden for your feature on its Landscape Designer. Just no pictures of the inside, OK? We haven't had a chance to tidy up recently."Either that or they were burgled just before the shoot...
Lovely blog!!! Came to it searching for a morden dollhouse sewing machine.
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