Me: "Is it home time yet? My new dolls house arrived this morning and is sitting, unopened, in the hallway waiting for me to get home. I can't wait to get home and have a play!"
My cubicle mate: "My Housemate is picking up my new Play Station 3 game from the Post Office today and once I get home I plan to spend all evening playing it. "
Me: "Isn't it great to be a grown up? We get to do whatever we want on Friday nights..."
My cubicle mate: "Yeah! And the best thing? We can get drunk while we play if we want to!"
So, as my cubicle mate (and, no doubt, his Housemate) got drunk and played PS 3 I played with my new dolls house while supping wine.

I like being a grown up...
haha thats cool. Nice blog :) that a cat scratch I see? Haha oh dear
Don't forget the eating only ice for dinner if you want... It's one of my favorite grown-up activities.
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