First thing in the morning I got an email from Jesse saying I'd won her giveaway for a copy of her book, I don't like chocolate. I'm so happy, as I loved seeing some of the comic strips she published on her blog as she created them and it'll be great seeing the final product!
Then, in the afternoon, a liitle something (in a large box) arrived from my Lundby distributor. Behold the first Lundby Gotland cottage in Australia. And it's

And, finally, in the weird twist of fate category, I was pulling the packing out of the carton my Caroline's Home house came in last week and sorting it into recycling and rubbish when I noticed that the papers had dollar amounts printed on them. Which was odd since the parcel had come from England. At first I thought that maybe they had been added as extra packing with Australian Quarantine opened the box but then I realised I was staring at American junk mail. From England.
And one of those pages had a Target logo on it, and as I'm a sucker for Target, I unscrunched it to have a closer look. And I saw this:

Of course, neither nor Amazon will ship them out of the USA. Is it time to finally try VPost?
(It's kind of tempting to use the news as a justification for a trip to the US with an empty suitcase. I can see it now: "Anything to declare, M'am?" "Just 25 pairs of kids' Converse One Stars...")
1 comment :
Aww man! How do you rate getting the Gotland?? ha ha--Where are more pictures, lady? Yes, yes, I am indeed jealous. :)
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