German house that is exactly like the one pictured on the cover of the "HUBSCH" furniture box. It is marked "Vero/ Made in Germany." It was evidently made in East Germany since that is where the boxed furniture was produced. The house has an outside stairway and four large rooms. It looks very similar to other houses from the period that were made in West Germany, as well as the Lundby houses from Sweden.
The only other information I have on Vero is from an email I sent in September 2005 to another Australian I heard of who had a similar house. In it I said "I'm hoping you might have some info on the houses apart from the fact the company was originally Gottschalk" (a connection I'm trying now to find the reference for)
From the front the Vero house may look similar to the rest of the houses I've featured here but the left side is quite different, with floor to a ceiling window on the top level giving it a light and airy feel and a beautiful stone wall below:

(As usual, more photos over at FLICKR. Oh - and if you happen to know anything more about Vero please get in touch!)
I hope they don't trip on the corner of that rug! He he he
that is the most fantastic thing I have seen in a long time.
Drooling drooling drooling drooling - great blog ! I love it!
I have one of these, bought for my 7th birthday whilst my dad was posted in Germany with the army. Still have it although the tilting window was broken by a nephew a few years ago. My own daughters play with it now. I could never find out what make it was until now so thank you.
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