First up, the daisy rug and matching cushions I bought from Victorian dolls houses a couple of weekends ago to mark the return of the Kaleidoscope House to it's rightful place behind my sofa:


Thirdly, I may have just found the perfect way to blend my love of scooters, my desire to own a caravan and my need to travel frugally into one perfect package:

Fourthly and finally: (this has nothing to do with beds except for the tenuous link that I knitted a lot of it while sitting in bed.) I can reveal photos of Dad's birthday vest now that it's arrived safely in New Zealand:

I've started the ribbing on this year's winter jumper for myself but have ground to a screeching halt until I make some decisions about what the finished design is actually going to entail...
Hey. We could have a scooter gang if you can track down a few of those caravans. And take up whole roadways, while travelling at our own good pace, from one knitting stop to the next.
wordver thinks I am a monowl, and I like that title. I shall be it.
I love the fabric on the Kage furniture - and the garage sale rug goes so well with it! Isn't it wonderful how pieces bought in different places look like they belong together? And the Tofa furniture goes beautifully with the built-in kitchen furniture.
I cannot take my eyes off that daisy rug-turned-afghan! How about a close up?
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