Thursday, December 31, 2020
31 December 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
P 30m
Recycling this image from back in August because it's still very relevant (in fact as I type this I realise I've not been further than the top of the drive for over a week!), and means I have the whole day to try and sort out the complete disaster zone that is my studio and library after this year's challenge, and before the new year.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Day 29: a bit of end-of-year baking...
Monday, December 28, 2020
Mental trickery on day 28
Today's theme picture had pretty much been set from the beginning, as I bought myself a David Frazer wood engraving as a flat-warming present, which just happened to include the number 28 in it:
After I finished yesterday's scene, I printed a version out (much larger than life scale-wise, as that was the only way the number would be seen in the miniature version), and figured I'd just need to smash together either a shelfie or a miniature version on the photo above to hit the target.Blow me down, they had adhesive backings: perfect for what I needed!
then glued the pieces together, and measured and cut the squab pieces out of my roll of foam (flattening them under a pile of books to straighten them out after I was done).
While I waited for glue to dry and foam to flatten, I pulled out a selection of miniature 'sofa feet' I have tucked away to try and decide which will work best (I prefer the square ones as they are most similar to what I have, but they're too tall, so it may have to be the short domed ones. No need to decide just yet...)
before switching to my Clover mini iron to fuse the edges (alas I have no idea where my sheets of fusible webbing ended up in the shift, and again wasn't going to head out just to get some. Instead I remembered I has some dodgy IKEA stuff that I'd used to take up my curtains when I moved in and used that instead. Which was a pain in the butt, but free).
The double-sided tape situation was a bit dire as the only decent stuff I have on hand is 3 mm wide. So I got creative and used a mix of that, and glue to hold the edging down on top of it.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Day 27: surprises
Today was another of those days where the scene I ended up with wasn't anything like I thought it would be: but better.
It started, as usual, looking through the selection of images I'd pulled from my '27' search. This montage seemed the most hopeful, so I printed it out (along with a few other choices just in case, since I had the room on the piece of photo paper I was using).
In my frame drawer I found a frame that fitted perfectly. First step achieved!
Still with no real idea of where things were heading, I laid the framed image on my cutting map, and started going through my stash of unused items, looking for things that 'clicked', and, as always. collecting way more than I would end up using.
As usual, as I sorted through, a theme started to appear, between the time I noted that the blue and white teapot Miggs gave me on my last visit worded well colour-wise with the montage and when the framed Love me love my cat embroidery Judy Foster gave me quite some time ago jumped out at me.
It would seem that Grandma has a craft room.Which is full of various mismatched furniture, often inherited from other parts of the house over the years, and treasures she's made or collected.
And the carpet? It's an anti-skid carpet square I picked up for $2.80 at Daiso, wondering if I'd ever use it but figuring for that price it would be better to have it just in case: again, I'm pretty pleased I finally used it.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Boxing day
It's a big scene today: that kicked off with a cushion I made from a stenciled '26' I found on my Google wanderings and printed onto fabric.
What pleases me most about the scene is I managed to fit in a number of items that have been lurking in stash for rather a long time: my AG Minis loft windows. The spacies machine I bought in an op shop in Goulburn back in 2016 (with a new joystick). The acapulco chairs from Speckle and Haze (2018: not blogged). The Daiso trolley from my trip to New Zealand last Easter (ditto). And my IKEAesque storage drawers from Dollshous3bydesign around the same time (ditto ditto). And the San Francisco magnet was one of a couple attached to the side of my tambour when I moved desk several years ago: I kept it for six months in case the owner returned and then claimed it as abandoned, knowing that one day I'd work a scene around it,There are also several gifts from blogging buddies that I managed to include (yay!)
That's the thing about stash: it often takes a while for things to find the right scene...
Friday, December 25, 2020
Twenty five years
And, finally, speaking of twenty five years, here's me back then in our dining room. Miggs and I would often look at each other, ask if we planned to have anyone for dinner anytime that week, and if not, take the dining table over with our dolls' house projects.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Day 24: Throwback Thursday
This serendipitous photo from the 2016 NZ Association of Miniature Enthusiasts' convention fits the bill for today nicely:
It was a fun convention. You can read my posts about it here.Wednesday, December 23, 2020
23rd of December
It's that time of the year when things are winding down, the end of the year and a summer break is squarely in sight for most people (if not already started!), and I've pulled up the drawbridge until all the madness is over.
So I figured today needed a serene pre-Christmas scene.
(With, of course, the now-mandatory number included...)Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Catch 22
In a nice change from this time last year, it's been a lovely cool week: mainly because it's been overcast and/or raining for the past few days.
Which is brilliant for keeping the temperature down to a level I can cope with, and for keeping the plants alive, but not so good for getting my washing done and dried, or for good light for photographing miniature scenes.
Luckily I have a photo from the archives that I can use today, but not one that brings back good memories.
I got the job, and then made sure that I was financially no longer in that position (and, in fact, four years (and many transfers) later, quit and supported myself for around 9 months while I recovered).
Monday, December 21, 2020
Day twenty one
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Four 'N Twenty pies
There's an iconic Australian pie brand called Four 'N Twenty: which was fortunate for today's scene.
Not that I've ever eaten one: or been to the footy, where they are usually eaten. Obviously I'm not a rooly trooly Aussie!Saturday, December 19, 2020
Day nineteen: and a day off...
I had all the plans in the world to produce a scene today around the concept of the book 1984.
But I'm feeling a wee bit flat and lacking in creativity, so instead here's a photo I took of a framed one-twelfth-scale plinth and work from the Call of the Small exhibition I curated for Craft ACT back in 2010:
Friday, December 18, 2020
Explosive eighteen
It was last night that I started to realise the folly of my plan for this year's Daily Dolls' House December challenge: in previous years I could spend several days working on (and blogging) a scene, but this year I have to come up with something new every day, unless I have a photo I can recycle from a previous post.
I had a late night last night working on another project, and so a slow start to today.
Every time I reminded myself I had a scene to do, I gulped and pretended I hadn't heard myself: until just after 3 pm, when the nagging and the stress because too much and I decided to go with the lowest common denominator among the pictures I'd saved from some frenzied googling.
So with much inner encouragement ('Go on, slam something together and then it'll be done for the day and you can finally relax!'), I came up with a picnic for one, based on some scrapbooking paper I'd pulled out days ago, just in case,
and with a suitably trashy, but perfectly-themed, book.Thursday, December 17, 2020
Seventeen magazine
I discovered Seventeen magazine, and bought my very first issue (the very fat August 1979 'back to school' issue) for a whopping $2.50 (a fortnight's pocket money) back in December 1979 at the age of 13 and a half.
The fact I remember all this shows what an impact that purchase had on me (although had I not bought it, and cemented my love of magazines, I would have saved rather a lot of money since then!)
So it was pretty much a done deal that today's post would include a Seventeen magazine in some way. Originally I thought I might update my childhood bedroom to my early teens, but when I found a stash of very vintage covers, plans changed.
I narrowed the many choices down to a set of six, in red white and blue and with a theme of stripes, and then the rest of the scene came together quickly.
A rummage through the scrapbooking paper stash unearthed a piece of stripy paper I thought would work as a feature wall.
I added a Lundby sofa (last spotted back in 2018), a dead-stock perspex hall table (last used as a sneeze guard in Buzzbar Cafe) as a desk, and a desk chair from the 2016 NZAME convention (dodgy covering artfully disguised by a handknitted lace shawl!)Flowers in a jug from the local tip shop, and a stripy 'tissue box' bead complete the desk, which is set up for a bit of writing, both analogue and digital.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Sixteen candles
Today was one of those holiday days that rather got away from me, and it wasn't until after 5pm that I realised I needed to make the scene I had prepared for, or revert to the back-up plan I had tucked away from 2017.
So it's a wee bit rough and ready...
(especially if you look at it closelyor, indeed, from a distance!)But, as the saying goes, done is better than perfect.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
15th of December
The day, and the scene a year ago, that inspired this year's version of the Daily Dolls' House December challenge.
Monday, December 14, 2020
The fourteen day detox
A quick one today after the two-day effort to complete yesterday's scene:
The thing I'm enjoying about this version of the challenge is that some days I have no idea what the scene will be, start to panic as I continue search google images for a leaping off point: but once I have it , things just fall into place.Sunday, December 13, 2020
Sunday afternoon at the beach house
First Sunday of my break, and I'm thinking of holiday houses again. Travelling in my imagination is definitely much safer (and cheaper!) at the moment, and something I seem to do regularly at this time of the year.
And before you ask, yes, there is a 13 in the scene: in fact it was one of the things that inspired the whole thing, as I was propped up in bed yesterday morning searching through image search for suitable 13 inspiration.The other piece of inspiration was a fashion picture in the January 2021 Australian marie claire (my special beginning-of-holiday treat to myself that I was reading in bed in between image searches).