Although, thankfully (as long as I don't linger too long on the penal rates I'm missing out on) I'm not working this Sunday as planned so am escaping the ability to announce next weekend that I've just worked 13 days straight.
Last night I went to see Quantum Leap Select Option. Which, of course, was excellent. As usual. I was still a little distracted by the costumes but this year I found myself more entranced by the Bearcage Productions videos that accompanied the pieces.
Today at work I made two people cry within my first hour. (I'm not really an ogre, promise), helped solve the mystery of the duck-napper and discovered Chick, the most beautiful font in the world:

At lunchtime I headed the call of the Beyond Q, the local secondhand book dealer (when the going gets tough, the tough go book shopping) and came back with this:

And tonight I went here: