On the mend?
The Snot Monster is still with me, but alas the anti-Snot Monster drugs I was taking are only able to be taken for 48 hours so I had a horrendous night, alternating between coughing fits and fever-induced nightmares and woke up this morning knowing there was no way working was going to be an option.So today will be full of hankie washing,
soup making, rosehip tea drinking,
and mending (hopefully of both me and the pile of stuff in my studio...)And knitting. How could I forget the knitting?
I have had the snot monster too for almost a week now! Hope you get well soon! xx
What's that old saying? With medication, a cold lasts a week. Without medication it lasts 7 days.
I'm going to have to take my chances and do drugs again tomorrow: I figure 24 hours off should rest the system, right?
oh, the hankie washing. I never seem to have enough hankies to get through even a day of a bad cold! Hope you feel better soon.
I was almost tempted to make some more yesterday but decided much overdue mending was far more important.
I have to say, life is far less interesting now I make my own PJs and hankies and no longer have the thrill of the hunt...
Excellent article with beautiful photos..
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