Friday, February 16, 2024

Making progress

 Although this might not look like much, it shows a pleasing level of progress:

Flat lay of a cutting mat showing 2 strips of bamboo table runner with, around it, a container of cleaning paste and a sponge, a piece of steel wool and a sanding stick
Because a day off today meant that I've unearthed my work desk from the dregs of the cardboard I started sorting on the weekend.

Which meant I could use it again to experiment with my chosen option of flooring for the cottagecore build, which I think is too yellow, but attacking my sample boards with Gumption made no difference, neither did rubbing it with steel wool, and even sanding it with a sanding stick, although it made some difference, didn't seem to make enough, and I was concerned that I'd end up sanding the pattern off in the process.

In other miniature related news, I picked up some Miniverse Lifestyle pots from my post office box:
Selection of one-twelfth scale modern miniature plant pots.
because I decided to get cheeky earlier in the week and ask my Facebook Miniverse buy, sell and swap group if anyone had spare pots they weren't planning to use, and blow me down: someone did!

I also bought ink for my printer. Which took several deep breaths to accomplish.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Ha ! Hadn’t seen the floral motif on the bamboo planks… what shade / effect are you trying to achieve ?
I could suggest : light wash with acrylic ? I use Citadel washes, maybe agrax earthshade if you find some ? You will find a solution I ´m sure Mini ElleAime