Fluffy Friday
I had plans to spend today working on my list of unfinished projects for a triumphant Finish it off Friday posting this afternoon. But then I ended up staying up most of the night reading and, once I surfaced this morning, decided I really would prefer escaping the teetering pile of dishes waiting to ambush me in the kitchen after last night.So I delivered my box of spare records to Happy Spider (who *shock horror* has a turntable set up permanently!) and spent a very enjoyable time stroking her stash.
I'm very proud that I drove within 3 blocks of Cassidy's $2 wool sale and didn't waver from my route home. Neither did I check out my favourite Friday op shop wool container to see what was new.I did, however, have 2 balls of Patonyle 4310 follow me home from Happy Spider's. Between that and my declaration that this year I want to learn to knit on dpns, I strongly suspect there is a pair of handknitted socks in my future. Just as soon as I finish those 34 cupcakes, 1 cardigan, 1 hoodie...
I think your Friday was very productive regardless of finishing anything! You got to pet the bunny!! Cute!!
What? Whered that rabbit come from? Its very very cute!! What about this rabbit?? Huh?! Is it yours?? Btw.. Im getting worried, you shoulda gotten your parcel i sent on the 27th dec by now!!! Why arent I hearing anything...
the sunday movie was entertaining btw :D was meant to be sleeping but watched it :)
wow... it let me post the last comment!! Doesnt usually :D trying again
CC: Bunny belongs to Happy Spider. He's angora and she plans to knit with him.
No parcel yet - maybe this week??
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