This morning started with an early breakfast with fellow frugaller Tania at Black Pepper Cafe down by the lake at Belconnen. I ordered their two course $17.50 Champagne Breakfast
(the coffee was extra) which sounded intriguing...
Our table number was quite apt as I definitely 8 too much. But it was good and I was well fortified for the next part of the morning.
Which involved 7 op and second hand shops.
One: Salvos Belconnen
They've finished the expansion and rearrangement under the direction of Kylie who worked similar miracles out at the Queanbeyan store (and was also one of my favorite gym instructors when I used to make it to Bodypump at the gym)
Two: Vinnies Belconnen
Who have rearranged a bit as well and are currently looking rather empty. Apparently they were thinking of renovating but it doesn't look like it's happening afterall. The wool bin was looking particularly sad this morning.
I bought some fabric for a gift and summer trouser making, some knitting needles and a copy of Minefields and miniskirts: Australian Women and the Vietnam War. Total cost: $10.50.
Three: Y's Buys Belconnen
Which I realise I've never shown on the blog.
Here's the famous Craft Room (note small person peeping out from behind the spinning wheel):
Everything except books is still half price. Which meant I got this massive piece of fabric for $4 (it's about three times as long as you can see here. Note clodhopper for scale)
and four cones of pink overlocker thread for $2 total. Plus a cruise book as a gift for Tania.
Four: Salvos Mitchell
Tania's first visit and pretty much the reason for the morning's foray. We had fun. We bought lots. I was intrigued by a video called Hamilton Mattress which is "from the producer of The Wrong Trousers". A good enough reason for me to plonk down $2.
Five: Aussie Junk Mitchell
Tania did better than I did but I did manage to snaffle a couple of vintage children's books for $1 each
mainly for the
(I might just have to have a Christmas party this year so I can use that last illustration for the invites...)
Six: Vinnies Gungahlin
Another first time visit for Tania, and not much further up the road from Aussie Junk which made it worth popping out to. They had all winter clothes at 50% off and a remarkably good range of books. With, unfortunately, prices to match.I left with a copy of Translatic ("In Transatlantic, the experience of crossing the Atlantic is re-created in stunning detail from the varied perspectives of first class, steerage, officers, and crew. The dynamic evolution of the Atlantic steamer is traced from Brunel's Great Western of 1838 to Cunard's Mauretania of 1907, the greatest steamship ever built.") which I thought was worth the $7 they were asking plus a copy of When London Calls: The Expatriation of Australian Creative Artists to Britain for $6 (and not just because it had a picture of a ship on the cover as well!)
On a side note: have I mentioned that Vinnies Gungahlin is one of only three op shops in Canberra open on a Sunday?
Seven: Vinnies Dickson
Where we discovered the motherload of vintage dresses. $7 each.

If you're around a size 10-12
and love the vintage vibe, I'd head down there 9am Monday...
Speaking of vintage vibe, Tania's is much different to mine but very fine indeed. Here's a peek at some of the treasures she picked up this morning:
Lampshade: $1, vintage single eiderdown: $5 (Salvos Mitchell)
Vintage wicker basket: $5 (Aussie Junk Mitchell)
1930s edition of The Oxford Book of English Verse: $5 (Vinnies Gungahlin)And the 6 in the title? The total cost of my morning (including breakfast) was 6 (ty) dollars.