Thursday, October 29, 2009
In a recent survey*
20% of respondents said they felt like doing much worse but would refuse to elucidate...
(*Completely unscientific and consisting of only 5 people)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

After I get back from Wellington, I think. There's still a month to go until assessment, after all!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
And then...
Until 5am. And I woke up at 8:15am. Only a couple of hours later than I'd expected.
It was OK. Except I'd planned to spend this morning finishing off my Designers in their Context assignment for class tomorrow night.
Then I missed my bus. By seconds.
Not to worry, there are always plenty of buses if I walk across to Northbourne Ave.
Except this morning there wasn't.
And the one that (finally) showed up ate my ten trip ticket: with 7 rides still on it.
The bus driver told me there was nothing he could do and policy was that they don't return tickets that get eaten by their machines.
I didn't believe him and, as I had to walk past the Action buses office on the way to Craft ACT, I popped in. To discover that what the driver should have done was give me a card with his name, driver number and route number which I could use to get my ticket (or equivalent) back. But he hadn't so I was given a two trip ticket. Better than nothing I suppose...
The rest of the day was rather good: I sold lots of lovely things in the Craft ACT shop, met lots of nice people and watched Jas and Pete install the Art Quilt Australia 09 exhibition across the hallway.
At lunchtime I booked in for a series of printmaking workshops being held next door in November.
Then I spent the afternoon working on stuff for my next exhibition before heading home. Started cooking dinner and my microwave died on me. Not too unexpected really: it is 17 years old, but I'm wondering when exactly I'm going to find the time to take it into the repair place...
Oh: I nearly forgot. Today I've been an Australian citizen for 9 years. A scary thought.
I took it as a sign
Well, apart from the fact it took me 12 minutes to get from my place to Northbourne Ave instead of the usual 2 minutes it takes. Which made me late for work. But that was OK.
I managed to snaffle two pairs of jeans for $40 at lunchtime. Less a $5 gift card I had banging round in my wallet from an online survey I did a couple of months ago. New jeans for $17.50 a pair? Makes me a little less inclined to lurk in the jeans racks at the op shops (guilty as I feel to say so)
Left work early, as is usual on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I could make the 5:15pm start for class. Traffic was light. I made good time and arrived bang on the dot of quarter past.
Life was good. Or so I thought. Until I went to chuck 30 cents in the parking ticket machine to take me through to 5:30pm. And the display said I'd paid until 4:30pm.
"4:30pm? Surely they'd updated the parking machines for daylight saving by now?" I thought. And looked at my watch. Which also said 4:30pm.
It took a couple of minutes for my poor brain to work out that I'd swanned out of work and driven to class A WHOLE HOUR EARLY. And hadn't noticed.
I rang my boss. And grovelled. (Luckily she laughed)
I assessed my options. I could hang round in the cafe for an hour until class started. But I decided, since I've never done anything like this in my life, that the safest place for me was home. In bed.
Monday, October 26, 2009
That time of the year again...
Was it painful? No, due to having thrown a corresponding amount into my bill paying account each pay during the past year the money was sitting there waiting for me. I love not panicking about bills when they arrive...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday: day of rest?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mow back lawn. Work. Intern at Re-Loved 2. Wash shirt. Bed.
Canberra's got Style's coverage here.
Calling any Japanese speakers/ dwellers!

Can you help at all?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The blog post you have when you're not having a blog post
But I won't because that's pretty boring.
Instead I'll remind you about this:

Monday, October 19, 2009
Tired, over it and very tempted to quit*
I'm off to bed. If you want pretty pictures, check out Jeannie Baker's website.
(* But of course I won't)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A new thought...

Give me a day off and I'll take 1448 miles...
Which is the day before what could be a very long weekend in Canberra (if you happen to take the Monday before Family and Community Day off the following week).
Somehow I found myself on the Qantas website. You know, to just check what the situation was for frequent flier fares around that time. And before I knew what had happened I'd booked flights to Wellington.
Flights, insurance and 4 nights accommodation for $184.94? I think it's cheaper than staying at home. Besides, I'm well overdue for a visit to the dentist...
Friday, October 16, 2009
More excitement

Friday wasn't all bad. I bought new shoes. The parameter was they had to feel like slippers, stand up to 7 hours a day on my feet, and meet the uniform guidelines. Oh, and be able to kick ass. Happily, they passed!
Final excitement was the moment when I finally became a (second hand) iPod owner...

(Did I say final? Silly me! The final excitement is that I seem to have 2 days off in a row for the first time since 25th July...)
Oh happy day!
A visit from The Collectors?
Meh... (meant in the nicest possible way, of course!)
An email from announcing the long hoped-for return of the Converse One Star?
And the realisation that they (finally) are shipping to Australia?
Hold the front page!My troubles are over. I can restock the top cupboard...
***** Edited to add *****
Feeling slightly deflated now: I checked out the shipping charges: $87.95 US to post one pair of shoes to Australia? Ekk!
if I were to buy four pairs at once the postage is still $42.25 a pair...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Our creative space (because I just realised it's Thursday)
Nasty Collectors people lept on me first thing in the morning with the interview questions. So no photos of that and I really do wish I could have a do over. Never mind, I'm sure they'll make me sound coherent (and, hopefully, a little mad)
Then it was time to move onto the closeups. Here's Justin plotting how to approach my Reac chair display (while muttering how Adrian would kill for them)

While I'm munching the team works on. Greg tries to create a flickering TV effect upstairs as the party rages on below

Finally, very late in the afternoon, they get to the Kaleidoscope House, which is lit up like a giant boiled sweet:

By this stage of the day my brain is starting to hurt as I go through the "So I start with the chair pointing in this direction, say these works to the camera, smile (in a natural way) before swinging around to face that miniature TV screen that I can't actually see on the green cloth?"

(*Which ended up being the green screen because I was wearing jeans and they didn't want me to to be legless)
My next career move?

More photos to follow: it was a long day (they arrived at 9:30am and I left the ABC studio at 5pm). Then I had red bubbles and fush und chups with friends to celebrate.
And now I have 158 photos* to sort out.
(*They said it was odd being on the receiving end for a change)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I asked The Collectors
What I forgot to ask: "When are you arriving tomorrow?"
Things I hope don't happen around here in the next 36 hours
1. Cod id da dose
2. Gastro/ food poisoning
3. Uncontrollable blood nose
4. Migraine
5. Earthquake
6. Power cut
7. Burglary
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A bit backwards
So why, when I need to wash the kitchen and bathroom floors before Thursday, do I suddenly have the overwhelming urge to play with The Big Very Important (Scary) Final Brief?