2. ...before I dashed off to afternoon tea at The Hyatt (I didn't take pictures since I already took a pile here)...
3. ..where I received an invite to join a new community market which starts this coming Sunday. I'm keen but wondering just how much stock I can whip up in a week...
4. This morning started with more arrivals to add to the stash:
when JC donated 11 balls of Sean Sheep Hokitika yarn she'd bought for her daughter to learn to knit with (before realising she should start with something a little more straight forward...) So I refilled her (now empty) bag with the contents of my wool scrap bag.

5. After that little bout of swapping the 642.4 Gang headed off to Bungendore to celebrate JC's birthday with brunch at the Bungendore Woodworks Gallery cafe.
Followed by a mooch round the items for sale
(which included a selection of amazing miniature vignettes of workshops with various vehicles in them...)
6. As we left the gallery we spotted this sign:
and so dutifully trotted off (past the Medical Centre which has a very interesting vege garden out the front!)
to Bungendore Bon Bon.

Where I did the Happy Dance when I spotted these
and these!
I was very restrained

7. And to round the weekend goodness off I finally went to see Scarred and Strengthened: Australians in the Great Depression at Old Parliament House.
(Anyone have a pattern for 11 balls of Sean Sheep Hokitika yarn?)
All sorts of yummy things - well done. The bread was DIVINE and you were very generous in offering me the crust.
Where's the market?
Just spotted your cruise counter - so cool!!!! Now we don't have to nag you with, "how long till the ship sails?"
Toasties?! CHOCOLATE FISH!!!!!
Such weekends you have!
I cried for weeks when I had to leave Canberra for Sydney - mind you I was 3 months pregnant and would have cried at anything, but that's by the by.
Of course if I actually got up before midday on the weekends, I might be able to do stuff here, too!
Caffeine - you'd be suprised at what NZ food you can find around here when you look - Kmart even used to have Pineapple Lumps (but alas no more).
Next time you're in Sydney check out these guys: http://www.newzealandsnackfood.net.au/ (gratuitous photo here: http://theshoppingsherpa.blogspot.com/2006/11/lovely-discoveries.html. They're a little expensive but worth it.
Or I'm happy to arrange a Kiwi expat day trip to Bungendore (as long as we can stop in Queanbeyan for frugalling and Scablight)
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