This year I will keep my business accounts in better shape during the course of the year.
This year I will keep my business accounts in better shape during the course of the year.
This year I will keep my business accounts in better shape during the course of the year.
Feeling quite chuffed now as I'm about 95% there - just waiting on a receipt back from Plan for one of my sponsored children and a reply from my accountant about how to deal with claiming my office.
Never fear, it's not been all work around here. Feast your eyes on my frugalling scores:

* Selling Good Design ("a fascinating study of the little-known collaboration between the Metropolitan Museum, the New York department stores, and the great designers of the 1920's"): $8.00 (Brilliant sounding book - can't wait to read it. You know, in around 2011...)
* Peter Gabriel's best of CD: $3.00 (It's rather odd hearing the original of Solsbury Hill again after only having the Erasure cover on CD for the last few years)
* Single doona cover with shoe print (eventually to be turned into - what else? - shoe bags): $4.00

And Nibbs seems to be feeling much better, except for when I try and shove a syringe full of bright pink bubblegum flavoured gunk down his throat twice a day...
Nice loot! The doona cover will make very nice shoesies bags indeed.
And as an almost soon to be ex tax officer (2 days to go!) I am very pleased you are getting your tax affairs in order. Yes.
Nibbs looks like he's wearing pink wristlettes. Are they your doing or nature's?
Great doona cover - that will make some excellent shoe bags. Glad to hear Nibbs is better. Cats and medicine are definitely a match made in hell.
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