So I took the opportunity to have a go while Lyn was eating a lovely tasty Börek (I'd scarfed mine already)

It would seem that not only is a new Stitch 'n' Bitch for Canberra a good idea (2nd Monday of the month at The Front Gallery in Lyneham, starting in August) but maybe (just maybe) the concept of a 746 Information Management craft group might float. Assuming we can find a time that everyone is available.
Oh my gosh! I thought I recognised that jumper at the markets today! I was there with Canberra Quilters, but also did some yarn fondling and spending.
Hi, I'm Michelle. I crochet, and I've been lurking at your site for a few weeks. ;-)
Hi Michelle
I've also been lurking on your blog for a while.
You guys were selling raffle tickets today right? Funny story:
My friend says "Ohhh! Look! They're selling tickets for $2!"
Me "But I already have a lot of tickets. Trying to declutter. Not buying any more tickets. Have no money, in fact"
Friend: "But $2 seems very reasonable for a ticket"
Me: "You're right, especially since the tickets I buy off Action Buses cost $22."
Excellent jumper - was it from a pattern or is it your own design? Know what you mean about rhubarb, I just love it - especially stewed.
Elizabeth - yes and yes!
It started here: http://theshoppingsherpa.blogspot.com/2007/01/finish-it-off-friday-week-3.html
Which is based on a Vogue Knit 1 recipe for small people (I added stripy sleeves as I was short of wool)
To make the grown up size I used a pattern from here: http://www.patons.biz/publication_details.asp?SelID=89&ID=994&name=1252 and the Vogue skull and crossbones pattern.
Oh my goodness!
Hooray for SnB at The Front!! It'll feel like knitting in your own loungeroom (and happily it's not too far away from my loungeroom!)
Wasn't Sunday a wonderful day at the markets??? I had the biggest grin on my face!
I'm crossing my fingers that my $2 ticket is going to be the winner in the quilt raffle!!!
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