Today's burning question in the TSS household (well OK, only amongst those of us with two legs) is why, if I've always like rhubarb so much, has it taken me exactly 41 years and 43 days (I'm not counting the hours, minutes or seconds) to have a go at stewing my own?
Now I just have to find someone with a plant who would be willing to give me a bit of it to shove in the ground thus (hopefully) guaranteeing constant supplies...
Taph - Do you mean they've got it hidden in the bush somewhere half way up a hill like the marijuana patches in New Zealand and do midnight visits to tend it? 8-0
Seepi - *suddenly looking all innocent and butter wouldn't melt-ish while hiding a trowel behind my back* ... and where exactly do you live? ;-)
MMMmmm rhubarb. I'm a big fan too, but gave up on growing it after the local possum kept eating it to bits (yeah, the poisonous leaves were it's favourite, go figure). The daily effort and anguish of trying to keep the blasted animal away became more than the cost of just buying a bunch of the stuff from the markets!
Yum. Good luck getting a crown out of anyone - my parents won't even let me know the secret location of their plants.
in my 26 years i've never tasted rhubarb! not so appealing to me as say an apple pie.
Mmmm - I love rhubarb.
But shamefully, although we have a small plant in the backyard, I never pick any...
Taph - Do you mean they've got it hidden in the bush somewhere half way up a hill like the marijuana patches in New Zealand and do midnight visits to tend it? 8-0
Seepi - *suddenly looking all innocent and butter wouldn't melt-ish while hiding a trowel behind my back* ... and where exactly do you live? ;-)
Oh - and Shanna - guess that's why the phrase is "As American as apple pie" not "as American as stewed rhubarb"... :-P
MMMmmm rhubarb. I'm a big fan too, but gave up on growing it after the local possum kept eating it to bits (yeah, the poisonous leaves were it's favourite, go figure). The daily effort and anguish of trying to keep the blasted animal away became more than the cost of just buying a bunch of the stuff from the markets!
Wrong its there - should have been its, not it's... still wish we could edit comments!
Jejune - me too about editing comments but pleased to see a fellow grammar nazi :-)
I have two possums living in my backyard. Maybe I should also give up on the growing idea and just buy from the farmers' market...
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