Feeling very pleased with myself, I turned the bags right side out to sew in the lining and realised...
When you're making two bags and change fabric batches between cutting out bag one and bag two you should keep track of which is which.
Otherwise you'll end up with bags where the front is a different colour to the back. (See above)
I felt very mature and adult when I simply sighed, put the bags aside and went upstairs to ring my clients and explain that their bags wouldn't be with them today after all. No crying. No throwing of bits of fabric across the room. No stamping of feet. And no screaming.
Not that I'd ever consider doing any of those things, of course, being a grown up...
You get a big gold star (or maybe in your case black and white star if such a thing exists) for being So Very Grown Up. I am proud of you.
Damn! I would have definitely stomped my feet, howled aloud and then sobbed a little. You are obviously a better woman than I.
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