I've signed up for my first swap, The Vintage Vixen Swap run by Elizabeth over at My Own Lil Space (I'd add her official "Vintage Vixen Swap Button" but I think my brain is sick of learning new stuff and has gone on strike).
I'm sending my swap stuff to Chrissie The Grace Space and have had great fun picking stuff I think she'll like (and cheated wildly by buying some not vintage stuff - was tempted to beat it up and pretend it was bought second hand so I wouldn't get in trouble) and am looking forward to seeing her reaction.
And my swap partner on the other end of the deal is Pink Rocket who sent me some questions today about the answers I gave to the swap questionnaire. So I thought I could use Corners of my Home this week to show some of my corners with collections.
Pink Rocket asked, in reply to me saying I collected Black and white crockery from the 50s and 60s: "crockery, what is that exactly? I'm thinking like mixing bowls and heavy duty china. My husband is thinking more like vases and decorative bowls."
So here you go, pictures of the crockery:
Way way WAY too much for one person to use, right? Here are some highlights:
Beautiful Homer Laughlin Confetti cake stand which I bought with a large lot of matching bits and pieces (including cool spotty glasses) off eBay. You'll notice it is empty. That's because my oven hasn't worked properly for almost 6 months so I've not been able to make the beautifully delicious cupcakes with the white icing and black daisies and dots on the top that are supposed to be sitting proudly on the empty stand. *sniff*

Various black and white tea cups, saucers and plates I've collected and been given over the years. I adore graphic designs - spots, stripes, checks etc.
Note they're all empty as it's not much use making tea if there are no cakes to go with it. WAAAAAHHH!

A recent accidental acquisition from Target. I had to have them - they had daisies on them! And I love the fact they're squarish and the daisies climb up different sides of the different sized plates. I have matching mugs as well but they're hiding in another cupboard. These plates look fab when I use them with black bowls with white insides, too...

My current fave set, mainly because it is such a quest to find bits that match and it has very funky black and white daisies on it. I found these Johnson Australia cups and saucers at Chapel Street Bazaar on a trip to Melbourne. Since then I've been lucky enough to stumble across some dinner plates on eBay Australia and the milk jug on eBay Canada. Now I'm after the sugar bowl (if there ever was one) and other bits from the set.
(The picture is taken after one of our Monday night Craft Catch Up evenings with the travel diary I was sticking pictures in)

Last china picture, I promise but these are so cute I had to include them - espresso cups and saucers. That's a teaspoon in front, btw. Do I have an espresso machine? No. The cups work well when filled with chocolate mousse, though!
I also collect round things, usually from my travels. The shell one in front is from Melbourne, the marble one to the right back of it is from Pisa and the one with the star and moon cut outs from Rotorua. Actually I should say I collected round things as I pretty much ran out of space where they live about a year ago so now it's only the really really (really) special ones that come home with me.

Letter As. Not sure when this started up and it's a bit mad as I can't actually hang them anywhere at the moment because I'm renting. Here's a peek at some of the collection:

And a peek at my scooter toy collection (just in case you're in need of some colour by this stage in proceedings):

And finally, the collection that isn't (as we all know you need three items for a collection!)
At the front is a pottery foot that friend Nic made for me years ago. I particularly love that she "polished" the toe nails with glaze to look like clear nail varnish. And behind is a shoe last I discovered when I was living in an old butchers shop in downtown Sydney. No idea how it ended up there but when I left, so did it and we've been together ever since.