Monday, February 06, 2006

Can't leave well enough alone...

The bamboo knitting needles I ordered arrived this morning (still no sign of Dad's CD which would have been a much better arrival). I duely unpacked them, admired them and placed them into the candle holder I had bought to keep them in. They lasted there about 5 minutes.

The knobs were, well, wrong. All naked and pale and boring. So at 8:25 this morning I created this:

No, it's not a modern art installation, it's my newly dipped knitting needles hanging to dry...

Not bad for a "the bus is due in 10 minutes and I have to do this RIGHT NOW" solution. Oh - and here're the rest of the bunch waiting for their dipping:

Nanny McPhee, by the way, was great - rollocking good fun with lots of madness, magic and comeuppance. And, in true Canberra style I got a free park right across the road from the picture theatre. The perfect end to a rather good weekend.

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