Flicking through them with Kerry, who was up from Melbourne for the weekend, I was explaining that they were really knitting pornography when she got rather excited by the picture of the arm and leg warmers and explained that her current pair of legwarmers had a hole in them and how lovely they were to lounge round in during winter (and wear to bed on particularly cold nights)
And before we knew what was going on we were in the craft room turning the stash box upside down and pulling out wool. I decided this pink wool and these remnants would work perfectly even though they're not really Jo Sharpish at all....
Just don't ask why I'm knitting legwarmers in late November, OK? Especially as I have a pile more things that I need to finish for Christmas...
(Listening to: Bjork, Debut)
You go you bargain hunter you.
Have to keep a look out for that..good deal.
I'm not called The Shopping Sherpa for nothing! Let me know if you need me to pick you up a set - still plenty left at my local newsagents last time I looked...
my knitting is more shoppingsherpa than yours =))
still working on black and white.. still singing very shoppingsherpa while knitting.. still no photo..
but this is very bright and cheerful.. I will do some colourful knitting as New years presents too..
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