1. I spent waaaaay more than my frugalling budget yet again this week: I figured that since my tax return came in I could give myself $100 to play with and decided I'd prefer to spend it frugalling rather than at the mall. Pity I'm too late for the $99 Thrift Challenge.
2. I managed to do a couple of lunchtime frugalling runs during the course of the week which is when I picked up most of this. But since Second Hand Saturday is now somewhat of a tradition round here I thought I'd save sharing my haul until today.

(left to right)
- Black filing tray: $1.00. This matches the other three I have including the one I picked up here.
- Tin Brabantia container: $2.00. OK, I admit it, I have a bit of a container fetish going on. I bought this not knowing if it'll replace my existing Sesame Street biscuit tin (doubtful) of end up holding more craft supplies (much more likely)
- White plastic rubbish bin: $1.00. Which matches the other two I have in the bathroom and my bedroom. This will possibly end up in the craft room but not necessarily used for what it was originally intended.
- Small wire basket: 60 cents. See comments above about the container fetish!
- CD holder: $3.00. Because I keep running out of room in the ones I have and refuse to pay full price for a new one.
- Brand new Freedom Vintage teapot (with original barcode sticker on bottom): $6 (originally $24.95.) Major impulse purchase. I couldn't just leave it there and I had sort of been toying with the idea that I need a white teapot.
- Biscuit tin: $1.00. OK, you have to ignore the naff dog picture on the top of this. I bought it because it is in good nick and has plain white sides. I rather fancy printing picture 5 from here out and sticking it to the lid and using it to keep reels of cotton in.
Picture Two (Craft stuff):
(left to right)
- 13 x 25g balls of purple boucle wool: $6.00. This needs to mature a bit and then tell me what it wants to become.
- 1959 Good Housekeeping's complete book of needlecraft: $2.00. Full of lovely instructions and patterns.
- 150g ball white wool plus ball of pink wool: $3.00. I'm suspecting the white may become a cricket vest for E. The pink, I have no idea about.
- Small ball black and silver wool: 50 cents. Knitted flowers or pouches, when I get to it.
- 2 pairs knitting needles: $4.00 total. Because you can never have too many knitting needles, right? (unless they're size 11. I've banned myself from buying any more size 11s no matter how cheap they are)
- 3 baby knitting pattern magazines: $4.50 total. Lots of lovely patterns for future E projects.
- Stitch holder: $1.00. See comments on knitting needles above.
- Green fabric: $1.00. I bought this on the off chance that it would go with some flowery fabric I salvaged from a pair of $1 trousers. Then I could make cushions (or a bag) for Christmas gifties. I haven't checked if I was right yet.Picture Three (Stuff to keep me entertained and some lovely bias binding which I forgot to put in picture two!):
(top to bottom)
- 2 books: $3 total. Nothing really to say, is there?!
- Princess Diaries video: $2.00. Candyfloss for the mind. Gotta love it.
- 3 lots of patterned bias binding: $7.50 total. Bought while on the hunt for the ever elusive red double fold bias binding to finish off the scooter bib. I'd prefer not to use such gloriously wonderful binding to finish it but since I can only find single fold bias binding in Lyncraft, Spotlight and Hot Dollar I might have to. It's either that or buy some from the States off eBay which seems a little extreme somehow for something which was supposed to be frugally recycled...
WARNING - POSSIBLE CHRISTMAS SPOILER ALERT! And, finally, Picture Four (Stuff for other people):
(left to right)
- The Pixies' Kettle House: 20 cents. A perfect dolls house related gift for a small person. To be added to a swap parcel due to go out to Sew Thrifty very very soon.
- Marble run: $5.00. I picked this up for E but he's only 7 months old and the suggested age range for this is 3+. So I have to face the truth that I love marble runs and will keep it for myself. I will no doubt pretend I have it to entertain visiting small people. Even though I'll be dragging it out to play with by myself. And, even more sadly, probably picking up extra sets when I see them to add to it.
- 10 video set of Thunderbirds: $35.00 total. Saw these at Dickson Vinnies last Friday and decided it was just too much money to spend when I couldn't think of anyone who might like them. Mentioned to Sis on Sunday that I'd seen them and she got rather excited. So I went back to Vinnies on Monday not believing they'd still be there but they were (!) and so Sis is getting them for Christmas.
- Peanuts tin money box: $2.50. For my Peanuts loving mother's Christmas stocking.
- Looking for Mr Right: $1.00. Joke present for a friend.
- Anya Hindmarsh British Airways First Class toiletry bag: $5.00. I've been lusting after the London Bridge version of this bag for a while now so snapped this up when I spotted it even though it was a little more than I was prepared to pay. But once I got it home it whispered to me "I want to go live in New Zealand with Tracy" and who am I to argue. I suppose if Tracy hates it she can always post it back to me!
- Brand new braces, still in box: $8.00. Another pair of MIP braces for Dad's Christmas stocking.
- Teal Melamine platter and divided dish: $7.50 for both. More goodies for Sew Thrifty.
- Black and white houndstooth woolen scarf: 50 cents. For my Black and White swap partner.
Which makes a grand total of $106.60.
1 comment :
You are very good at this.
Much admiration.
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