We (ie: J, M, S, K and I) don't tend to celebrate New Years Eve. It's all too busy and stressful and the last time we held a dinner party the feeling was we were all sitting round twiddling our thumbs until midnight came where we gratefully said our goodbyes and (finally) went home to bed.
Instead we celebrate New Year's Day and the beginning of a fresh new year full of possibility. This means we can go to bed early on New Year's Eve if we want to and ease into the year with a nice long lunch somewhere special.
This year we ended up at The Sculpture Garden Restaurant at the National Gallery which was just perfect. (Apart from J & I who were coughing and snuffling into hankies with the remnants of colds picked up on opposite sides of the Tasman Sea)
After lunch we tried to go see the Grace Crowley exhibition at the NGA but got sidetracked by the gallery shop where I was followed home by my very own pear sculpture. I had a lot of help in justifying its purchase (damn - they were supposed to be saying things like "gosh, that's expensive even with your discount!", "what do you need that for and where on earth are you going to put it?" and so on NOT "oh, that's lovely, and so you...")
Oh - and I worked out my theme words for 2007. I'm returning to basics and concentrating on my ABCs:
(Tom Ludvigon & Greg Johnson, Blues for Robin)
But the pear is so gorgeous, and absolutely my favourite sculpture at the NGA. Sorry to hear about the cold. :(
Ah, I have ere these many years longed for a pear. Or better yet, a pair. My jealousy knows no bounds.
There's still one for sale if you really need it. Alas - they no longer layby.
Also alas they didn't seem to want to agree that if I had Powerhouse Membership and each of my friends had NGA membership I should therefore receive a 50% discount...
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