Friday, August 31, 2007
That's it then...

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Frugalling fun
Taph had a day off work on Wednesday and I was easily persuaded that op shopping could be considered TSS work (as long as I bought at least one piece of manchester that I might, one day before I die, turn into a bag) and so it was that we spent the afternoon catching up with the state of op shops in Canberra and surrounds. It was our first trip out in tandem which could have been scary but it worked out very well.
Our first stop was Kingston YMCA Op Shop. After a frugal coffee from Taph's thermos (which we drank on the brick wall outside the public toilets) we ventured inside and I found One Step Beyond: 45 classic Ska hits on CD - another of life's mysteries. A double CD, marked "normally £18.99, Sale Price £9.99" and I got it for $2.00. On the other side of the world. Hot on the heels of seeing This is England. Do you think the universe is telling me it's time to head back to Motorini and buy another Vespa?

Over the road we headed to Big Salvos where we discovered they've done some major rearranging. Yes it's lighter and airier but after having honed our journey through the store over many visits it's very disconcerting to have to reorient ourselves. I bought another Nokia 3310 car charger for $1.00 as mine was dead. And stopped to chat to my gym instructor who was behind the counter. Gotta love Canberra (and surrounding areas). Do you think the universe is telling me it's time to head back to the gym?
At Little Salvos I found a Holly Hobbie doona cover for $5 and some more cream knitting needles for $2.00. I was happy. Little Salvos remains the same. It's good to see some things haven't changed...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Meet Prudence Chastity d'sprett

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Whatcha doin' moon?
(Updated 30/8/07 with newly forwarded not crap in the slightest photo forwarded to me by Aunty A)

I feel like I should be tucked up in bed re-reading Nightfall to mark the occassion. While eating Blue Moon icecream. Oh, and listening to this
or this!
Bready, steady, go!

But I've always felt I've been cheating somehow.
You see, there's a long and convoluted history with me and breadmaking.
Many many years ago, in another decade (and another country) I lived with someone who had Fridays off work. And on Fridays he baked bread. And it was good. So good, in fact that it was one of the reasons I lived with him. Along with his excellent taste in music. And stereos. And knives.
Fast forward to 1996 and I moved to Australia. One of the first things I bought was a "bread bowl" in the sense of "anything he can do..."
I never used it. Well, not for it's intended purpose!
Except once when I tried it with my No Knead Bread. But it was too big.
Anyway, for the last few months I've been tinkering with the No Knead Bread recipe. Adding more and more wholegrains and other healthy stuff.
But this weekend I saw Dinner Daily's Feta Bread and decided I just had to try it out. Scary as it was.
And today I baked bread. Fancy pull-apart bread. And it was good. And I was proud. And you know what? I still didn't use the bread bowl. It may end up at Vinnies. (The bowl, not the bread!)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Just as I was feeling glum because Knit 1 Blog 1 finished yesterday

Place mat = Mini mat

Need a new rug for your dolls house or room box? The answer is probably staring you in the face three times a day!
Take one woven placemat (either bought especially (new around $5, op shopped around 50 cents or just steal one from your placemat stash...)

Using a contrasting pen and ruler to mark out the sized mat you want, then using your sewing machine on a wide zigzag and toning thread, sew around all four sides of the piece you have marked out. (making sure you leave three rows of the mat clear at each end for the fringe).

Cut close to the zigzag stitching down both sides of your mat, and across the ends, three rows out from the stitching:

Paint a vase with nail varnish
Turn stickers into modern placemats
Refinish a discount-store side table
Print an iPod, mobile phone or other electronic device
Print on fabric
Make a duck-board bathmat out of tongue depressors.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Markets, Movies, Movenpick, Mending and being Munted

Afterwards there was a huge stir fry made from Farmers' Market ingredients (at J & M's - I'd spent my food money for the week on a Chocolate Mousse Martini, three raffle tickets for a bronze pear (which I didn't win) and a poster with a typo at the ANU School of Art plus a mulled wine at the night market) and we watched the short films from the Loop CD I got for my birthday. Or tried. There was too much rain and blood and general depressedness so we gave up.
Today S and I went to see Amazing Grace at:

but more importantly b) that they stocked Mövenpick, a favorite ice cream in New Zealand that I'd also stumbled across on my birthday a couple of years ago in Helsinki but had never seen in Australia until now.

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Saturday, and the culture continues...

Friday, August 24, 2007
Five picture Friday

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Dear Frugalling Fairy,

$10! Are you kidding me?! Let me tell you there was leaping up and down and arm waving and yelping when I spotted them, giving the Vinnies Ladies the best entertainment they've had in a good long while.
(Vinnies Lady after she's opened the cabinet and I've snatched them from the shelf: "Shall I just pop them on the counter for you while you look?"Me (clutching said magnet sets close to my chest in case the Vinnies Lady changes her mind about them being for sale, or some random op shopper leaps across the room to wrestle them from my grasp) "No, no, that's OK. I'll just hold on to them for now...")
Now, of course, the dilemma is To eBay or not to eBay?
Yours happily
The Shopping Sherpa
Ace, ay?

Flight of the Conchords HBO episodes in high quality, free and streaming!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Modern miniatures on Monday

Cheap garish coloured nail varnish from a discount shop is just perfect for painting plain white china to give your mod mini scene that extra pop.
I painted a cheap basic vase bright lime green by upturning it onto a wooden skewer which I then held onto while I painted the vase (and placed in an empty bottle to hold it steady while it dried.)
After a couple of coats I had a one-of-a-kind decorative accent with a wonderful deep glaze effect.
(Cork flooring: $2 for two A4 sheets from the craft aisle of a discount store.
White coffee table: $48.95 (part of Lundby's Stockholm Living Room Set which includes sofa bed with complementing cushions, a throw rug, matching ottoman plus a credenza full of books - all 1/18 scale but some pieces work well in 1/12.)
Turned wooden bowl from a miniature show long long ago: price and maker unfortunately forgotten.
White plastic footed fruit bowl: $2 from a pack of plastic dolls house bits found in a discount store)
Make a floor rug out of a placemat
Turn stickers into modern placemats
Refinish a discount-store side table
Print an iPod, mobile phone or other electronic device
Print on fabric
Make a duck-board bathmat out of tongue depressors.

From there I raced into town to meet Aunty A as we planned to go see Boynton Beach Club with my freebie pass. Except it wasn't on when I thought it was so I took the opportunity to go see This is England instead. Good thing our next planned movie is Ratatouille as I think Aunty A needs time to recover after some of the scenes in This is England!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Fab Friday frugalling finds...

* (Insert fanfare here) Maxwell Williams dinner plate: 50 cents. Thus bringing my total up to eight. Now all I need is those last three cereal bowls and my challenge is complete...
* Two chick lit books to read and send on their merry way: $3 each.
Grand total: $8.50.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Kiwi quest