Friday, October 31, 2008

Short, nerdy and oddly attractive, that's me!

This book was waiting for me at (other) work this morning. I love unexpected gifts for no reason from friends. Not sure what she was trying to tell me though...

I also had a rose delivered to my desk today. Don't get excited: it was from my (female) Executive Director, from her garden, and everyone got one. After the brush of redundancy at my other job this week I initially freaked out a little as I thought it might be some Bachelor type thing (who didn't get the rose?!) Then I tried to figure out if there was any meaning to who got the red ones, the pink ones and the yellow ones. Then I got sidetracked by the realisation I had gained the magic password which gave me access to the back end of the website and have some fun which made me forgot all about the roses... (Nerdy? Moi? Never!)

Speaking of fun, friends and I attended the opening of In the Can and The Dawn Waterhouse Collection (no web page) at CMAG this evening. Champagne was drunk. I ruminated on the feeling that I was oldest sibling witnessing Christening of newer sibling(s). More champagne was drunk. Taph and I discussed the fact that. with the demise of the ANU Film Group programme mid November, maybe I should start counting the cost per glass of my champagne consumption at CMAG openings over the two years I bought my membership for. I accidentally drank another glass of champagne as I considered this. I ate some of the popcorn from the machine they had set up then accosted the CMAG Marketing Manager and muttered "gizza job" half jokingly, gave a tour of my exhibition to a lovely couple of people and then wandered off to Borders and Koko Black with more sober S. And bought nothing but a latte.

It was a good day.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Great to see you getting early benefit from that CMAG Membership..