Thursday, October 23, 2008

Smooth Operator

This is a picture of my iron's bum: A peeling mess. I've been idly considering replacing it for a couple of months but really couldn't be bothered.

I even found myself at Kmart last weekend and, noticing they had 15% discount on their irons, had perused what they had. But then that "get me out of here!" feeling took over and I bolted.

Then I read this post over at Hyena in Petticoats raving about the Sunbeam Ultura 55 platinum and
realised that it was the exact same model I'd contemplated in Kmart. Hmmm...

After the usual google search I spotted that Sunbeam is offering $10 cash back on it as well. Which pretty much made my mind up.

So back I went. But (of course) Kmart had sold out of that particular model, hadn't they? Not to be beaten so easily I hotfooted it to Myer and asked about price matching. Which they said they'd only do if the Kmart had stock of the item. Cheekily, I got Myer to call Kmart in Tuggeranong (20 minutes away) in the hope they had stock, which they did (hurrah!), so I got to buy my iron cheap without having to get in the car, let alone drive across town.

And the final price (after cashback)? $40.96. Around 30% off :-)

(Speaking of Kmart bargain hunting, check out what Taph's been up to!)

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Kmart price matched my new camera recently saving me an expensive trip into town. That wins my vote.