I spotted this is a blog post of someone's creative space recently and had that rare instant feeling of "my life is incomplete without this"A bit of googling, some online buying, and a trip to the Post Office later my life is complete (for now)
Wreck this journal instructs you to do just that. Perfect for someone like me who always wants to be neat and tidy, follow the rules and colour inside the lines:(Cover this page using only office supplies):This next one's got a rude word in it: you've been warned. Avert your eyes if swearing bothers you...I was bought a coffee today. Perfect for one of my pages!
Which when dried, cried out for some enhancement(I want to add some black coffee next to see what happens)
I want.... ohhhh
That is right - I do that to my notebooks anyhow!!!
Genius! And I totally want Handle Like Eggs stickers now!
Too funny! Great to see these stickers put to a good use too!
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