(optional: to be sung to a strangulated version of The Twelve Days of Christmas)
* On the first day of the week Taph came to dinner and gave me 42 crafty goodies
* On the second day of the week I went to the DJs Christmas Preview Evening and bought 1 set of bath towels, 4 pairs of knickers and 3 pairs of pantyhose (all nicely discounted)
* On the third day of the week I picked up Sept 2007's Living Etc from the newsagents
* On the fourth day of the week the Golf fabric to make a Christmas gift arrived from eBay and I bought 2 pairs of black trousers for the cruise and 1 Actil First Line Queen sized sheet set - the last one in Canberra at 30% off and no payments til February.
* On the fifth day of the week I followed the frugalling fairy and came home with 5 items. I also bought 4 stitch markers.
* On the sixth day of the week Taph and I had a frugalling frenzy, hitting two fetes and 5 op shops and I came home with this:

(Brand new still with tag attached removable bike basket with carry handle: $1. Brand new still in packet pantihose: $2. Vintage white embroidered with daisies pillowcases (need a little TLC to bring them back to full working glory): $5. Book: $2. 5 metres of vintage white pom pom trim: $2. Small cute white jug-thingy: 50 cents. Ball of Cleckheaton 8 ply: $1. Container of knitting needles of which I took 2 and left the rest with Taph to distribute to various new homes:$5. And more pears for the collection: Large glass pear jar: $2.50, Wooden pear: $2, another cut glass pear like Friday's $3.00 and paper mache pear: $1.)
* On the seventh day of the week I breathed a sigh of relief as I realised that I'd still meet my Seven Things goal for the week.
Total In this week: 78
* 2 handmade goodies heading off as Christmas presents
* 17 old UK marie claire magazines: donated to Lifeline Book Fair. That's it - the last of my UK marie claire collection assessed and purged. It's a bittersweet moment as I've been lugging this lot round since 1989. *sniff* But on a good note, the empty space these created under the stairs has now been filled with my travel bits and books which makes much more sense as that's where I store my suitcases. And the cupboard in the craft room where the travel stuff was now holds piles of neatly folded fabric. Which used to live on the floor.
* 15 Christmas decorations: donated to Salvos (don't panic, I still have the blow up Christmas trees, the hand knitted stocking and the button wreath!)
* 1 set of old towels: donated to The Smith Family
* 1 metal CD holder that I'd stupidly bought months ago thinking I'd send it to my mother in NZ (what was I thinking? Obviously not about postage costs!): donated to The Smith Family
* 9 books: sold to Booklore
* Spare motorcycle helmet: bin (while I was under the stairs pulling out suitcases for the trip and putting away travel stuff I came across my old helmet for the scooter (which I sold in January 2006 to pay for my 40th birthday trip to the USA) and the old old helmet I'd kept as a spare in case I needed to give someone a lift on my scooter. I really should throw away my old helmet as well since if I ever buy another scooter I'll need a new helmet but I just couldn't yet...)
* Also no longer under the stairs, 2 roman blinds I had up in my bedroom in New Zealand. That I shipped here in 1996 in case I moved into a place which needed window coverings. And have been sitting under the stairs since 1999 when I moved into this place. I figure if I ever move from here into a place that needs window coverings they'll probably not fit anyway: Salvos.
* Wooden dolls house shaped shelf thingy, spare copy of The Decorated Dolls House given to me by Taph and a broken (but easily fixable) miniature cot: gifted to Janet.
* 27 postcards, given to Taph to donate to her postcard-collecting friend.
* 1 mangy old laundry hand towel: bin. I got this towel for my 30th birthday. It had my initials monogrammed on it. I've held onto it for far too long for sentimental reasons but as I dried my hand the other day I realised it really did look disgusting, especially with all the stains from where I'd dried my hands after not quite washing all the stain off them when staining various wooden things.
* 25 bits and bobs of old broken and not resurrectable (is that a word?) dolls house accessories: bin.
Total Out this week: 104
* 4 white wash cloths
* 1 "coconut ice" wash cloth
* 2 black wash cloths
* 18 cotton cupcakes
* 1 bunny wash cloth and a bunny pouch
* 1 pear doorstop requested by Princess B and not quite finished.
* 2 soft trees: only a year late and mainly because I wanted to use up these buttons (which have been sitting in a tray in the craft room ever since). I used Little Birds' soft tree pattern and leftover fabric from this project.
Net items out so far during Seven Things Spring: 269 (or an average of 24 a week or 3 and a half things a day)
And that's me for the season. Although the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed a change in the tag name for these posts and on the sidebar. Yes, Taph and I (and hopefully a few of you) have decided that STS also works rather well as Seven Things Summer and so we're continuing on through December, January and February. I'm still to decide if I'm counting while I'm away and we also need to discuss how to handle Christmas.
Yesterday did go a bit pear-shaped. Both still on track and you did find me those great black trews and the basket.
Well done!
It is great that you re making more room in the house. I might have to look for 7 things to get rid of today. (My house is filled with so much junk I don't know where to start..).
FYI - vets and dog kennels will accept mangy old towels.
And you have to give yourself a week off for Xmas!
OK - I am joining in for Summer.
What were the rules again - Something like you have to get rid of 7 more things than you take in during a week, reporting on Sunday.
To the turn it all about list count for anything?
OK I went back though your posts and checked out the rules..
Did you ever find what to do with the Enid Gilrest books - I have a collection of them from my Mum, and Grandma, and I suspect Great grandma. But I don't have those three...
I had forgotten about that little collection - but I would NEVER get rid of it - I wore clothes from it, as did my Mum, and my children!!!
I'm astonished at the pear harvest. 's amazing what you manage to find.
As for STS, I was going to revise my decision to take part, BUT given that all the crockery/linen/furniture/cutlery will be arriving from my parents' house, I should be forced to acknowledge it. I'm thinking that if I can minimise the net amount in, then that is also a result. I could of course just leave it all in storage, but I don't think that really helps.
You go m1k1. I am going to start... I have a few new dolls to give away now....
Janet McK
Hi Girls
Good to hear you're joining in for Summer - and anyone else who's contemplating it, please note I added a link to my original post with Taph's manifesto over on the left of my blog ("What's it all about" under "Seven Things Spring/ Summer)
seepi: Taph and I discussed it and decided that both the goodies I bring back from my holiday and gifts received in December count (we did have to re read the original manifesto first).
miki: storage is a bad bad idea if only because of all the money you end up paying to store away dead energy (unintentional pun) rather than on something else. Borrow Peter Walsh's book It's all too much (http://www.amazon.com/Its-All-Too-Much-Living/dp/0743292642/ref=pd_bbs_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1195422502&sr=8-2) from the Library for some interesting thoughts on dealing with inherited stuff...
i got my PIF today! and they were bunnies. haha. thank you shopping sherpa :)
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