Yes, it was a nice cruise. (Glad you asked) We had a cabin with a window overlooking the Royal Promenade, an inside "street" with shops and bars and a cafe which was pretty much the heart of the ship. We had a pretty laid back time - slept in, didn't do a heap of activities each day and generally just hung out.

Bermuda was pretty. We went "outside" (shipspeak for off the ship) the first day we were there.

Took the ferry back across to the ship, had lunch on board then headed out for a locally brewed beer sampler pack at The Frog and Onion pubbefore checking out the (rather lame) onshore carnival that night. And getting a lovely temporary pirate tattoo to complete my transformation to Mad Pirate.
The following day the weather was a bit iffy so we stayed on board, hung round reading, ate a bit, had a drink or two. You know, the usual...
Yesterday we were at sea all day so did an art workshop in the morning and in the afternoon we went to the ice showfollowed by a tour of the onboard oceanographic and atmospheric labs on board.
Then we had to (waaaaaaah!) pack.
And all too soon it was over and we were deposited back on the dock.
B arrives this afternoon to join me for the next leg of my adventures.
oh sounds like you had a good time!! arr! matey i mean!
aaahh!!! pictures!! look at you in your hat!! so cute!
Wow, glad you had a good time.
Hope you managed to get someone to tape Eurovision for you. I'm sitting watching it now and the Finland entry is NOT TO BE MISSED!
Whoa...when I first looked at that ice show pic, I thought that was YOU standing in the centre! (it's not, is it?)
MUST apologise also for texting you about the Eurovision winner, if indeed you'd wished to remain surprised. A momentary lapse in concentration.. I thought you were 'at home' watching it. Duh...
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