While at The Tropicana I *gasp* gambled for the first time in my life. I used to have a real anti-gambling stand, so bad that I wouldn't even set foot in a casino but that got gradually whittled down over the past few years when I discovered a cruise ship is basically just a casino with added extras.
This weekend I decided I needed to embrace the whole Atlantic City experience and Nancy gave me $5 while suggesting that it didn't really count if it wasn't my money (I didn't inhale, really!). I walked away from the slots with $50!

I also had my first ever Starbucks coffee. Princess B and I were desperate for a decent coffee and thought maybe Starbucks would deliver. But, even with a double shot, our lattes were very very average. Not really worth breaking my self imposed Starbucks boycott for. I had been warned about the state of coffee in the US but somehow didn't believe it could be so dire. I went to a place for brunch earlier in the week and when they asked if I wanted a coffee I asked for a skinny latte and the waitress looked very confused and said "we don't have that stuff here".
With this run of unusual behaviour maybe next I need to also smoke a joint and have a large steak?

GASP!! "With this run of unusual behaviour maybe next I need to also smoke a joint and have a large steak?" lol!!
iS tHat mY sIster talking!!!
Have a great birthday - gO cRazy!!
I KNOW! I was AGHAST when I went into the most cafe-looking of cafes, right in the heart of Greenwich Village for chrissake AND with a rainbow flag in the window... and they only had that horrid filter stuff.
Hope you had a FLANtastic actual birthday.
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