Went to the hairdresser's this morning to have Boyd make me look suitably New York-ish and they've put their prices up. But to make up for that little surprise I got this:

Then I picked up V and M and went on a Shopping Sherpa Frugalling adventure. (Sorry - forgot to take the camera so you'll just get pics of the end result not the destinations...)
First stop was Vinnie's Dickson where V loaded up on baby books and I picked up a funky apron for Princess B (with a suitably royal theme of the coronation) for $2.Then we did the Belconnen Vinnies/ Salvos two step with more baby books (and some Pumpkin Patch clothes) for V, books and a silver trinket box for M and two videos ($3 each) and some self cover buttons ($1) for me:
Then, as if that wasn't enough, after a stop off at the Indian grocery store for supplies for V & M we headed out to Queanbeyan.
See, we've got smart. We now know that Salvos doesn't close til 2:30pm and Bargain Hunter is open til 4:30pm. Salvos was a disappointment for a change but at Bargain Hunter V got some more Pumpkin Patch stuff and I got (but V kindly paid for) some grey wool and some black wool with coloured speckles (80c for both), some more knitting needles (don't know how much they cost),two still sealed toothbrushes with (this is the exciting bit) travel sized tubes of toothpaste (30 cents per set)
and some more braces for Dad ($3) that I'd be tempted to keep for myself if I had a smaller chest.
Total cost: $9.
And while I was poking round at Salvos in Belconnen I turned to M and said "you know, this is what I'll be doing this time next week - except I'll be in Philadelphia!" with a big grin on my face.
Now do excuse me - I have to go deal with a certain upstart rabbit...
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