Busy day
After an appallingly crap night's sleep (is it just me that ends up with the cat comfortably passed out in the middle of the bed while I end up hanging off the edges in my sleep?) I spent a productive morning setting up the first even Shopping Sherpa eBay sale. If you happen to be in the market for Lundby dolls house lights how does 40% off sound? Available at this price for one week only (until next Saturday when I have other surprises on the boil... end of commercial break)
And since all work and no play makes TSS a dull girl, this afternoon S and I went to see The Namesake (two thumbs up from me) after which the only thing to do was duck into Ruchi for an Indian feed before contentedly waddling home.(Listening to: Various, Refashioned 2: British Airwaves)
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