Buying locally
We ended up at The Bus Depot Markets today and I figured I'd have a go at buying locally as I slide out of buying nothing at all.
I got honey from (they tell me) just up the road...
and veges from a little further away. Unfortunately the egg ladies weren't there so I missed out buying local eggs this week.
Buying locally is great fun as well as being good for our greenhouse emissions. Over the months at CIT Woden we've got to know our favourite (and not so favourite) producers and look forward to our weekly visits. As a bonus we've got to know some of the other regulars. It's great to sit in the courtyard and chat with new acquaintances.
I suspect that's where we would have found the egg ladies if we'd bothered driving further south than where we were. But it was late in the morning (we'd had a leisurely breakfast at AXIS).
I'm guessing there are no EPIC markets next weekend since The Folk Festival is on?
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