After 5 weeks on this project I haven't really got much further than I was on Week 1:
Well, I managed to sew the shoulders together. I safety pinned the arms into the armholes. I pulled the remaining ball of wool (yarn?) out of the container the unfinished cardigan is stored in and realised THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I HAVE ENOUGH WOOL TO COMPLETE THE FRONT BAND. The whole lot is back in the container while I assess my options. I'm wondering if I could get away with no band and pretending it's some new style which involves just have crocheted loops for buttons. Taph thinks I should frog the sleeves and reknit them shorter (she tells me 3/4 sleeves are very flattering.) I'm tempted to frog the whole thing and knit something completely different. Or give the %$^#*! wool away...
It's February. You think I can see a point in sewing Christmas decorations?! NEXT!
* Wooden suitcases (bought and dismantled Feb 2007)
I unwrapped another of the three cases and stared at it. Thought of some more options for decorating. That's as far as I've got.
* Black daisy hoodie (started April 2007)
It's a scary thing. I keep telling myself it would be awfully useful to have this finished for my trip to Wellington next month where I'll, as usual, seriously underestimated the level of frigidity in the weather compared to home.
Then I remind myself that I'll be learning to sew hoodies so if I need one (above and beyond the two I plan to be taking anyway) I could always make another. But knitting the last bit of this is like rubbing my tummy and patting my head all while reciting the alphabet backwards. In Pig Latin. Maybe I'll feel like doing this next week... Speaking of pigs, maybe they'll fly...
* Various bags (half sewn November 2007)
Still half sewn. *sigh*
*Cotton cupcakes (knitted (but not sewn up) November 2007) Started sewing them up 10/1/08
OK, finally something to be happy about. I have 18 completed cupcakes waiting for the Valentines Day rush that never happened. I have 6 which need the final seam sewn, and 10 with bases but no stuffing.
You want cupcakes? I got cupcakes! Silly Made It only lets me list one at a time but if you want one (or a half dozen with free postage) email me and we can have some cotton sweetness heading your way lickety split...
Meanwhile the Koolhaas Hat Mark III is going great guns. Is this on my list of things to finish off? No. Am I having fun (when I'm not cursing the fact that this pattern requires almost complete concentration?) Hell yes. Am I ever so proud that I've mastered knitting from a chart AND using circulars? HELL YES!

Let's just say that knowing this is for a Parental Unit means that (hopefully) any cock-ups will be tolerated. Either that or you'll be seeing The Koolhaas Hat Mk IV coming to a computer screen near you soon!
1 comment :
Persevere with the hat -- love the colour and design!
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