Today at work I was offered a free ticket to see Manon in Sydney next Wednesday. Not only that, but the bus trip each way is included (Australian Ballet apparently has a subscription option for Canberrans which includes transport up and back! Who knew?) Luckily I have a flexible boss so I was able to rearrange my work next week to allow me the time to go. I'm liking this being underemployed more and more!
And next Saturday I'm off to see The Red Shoes, the last of my 2008 Canberra Theatre subscription season tickets. Such culture all in one week. How will I cope? (Please note I'm not making puns which involve the use of the phrase "tutu much" or "making a pointe")
Sticking with culture, tonight was another CMAG opening. So here, without further ado is ye olde "knitting with free alcohol" shot:

And my laptop has had a whopping increase in RAM which is only frugal in that spending $158 has (hopefully) saved me from buying a new laptop for quite some years to come (fingers crossed).
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