Monday, November 17, 2008

Modern Miniatures on Monday: Floored

(Part three of a series about the renovation of my Triang V bungalow. Read Part onePart twoPart four, Part fivePart six, and Part seven.)

Not much has happened this week with the Triang. I did manage to clean the bottom floor level which is a major improvement:It took two rounds with a damp sponge to get the dust off (that was some super-sticky dust) and, once it had dried, some attention with a white eraser to clean the paper in the kitchen. The hall carpet was cleaned with a lint roller, the ancient sellotape removed from the flapping paper edges and they were glued back down securely.

I'd hoped to get further but I appear to have misplaced my favorite dolls house dusting brush for the moment and I'm looking into options to safely (and inexpensively) clean the front windows.

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